"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An apple a day may or may not keep the doctor away...

I’ve been struggling with topics for a blog so far this week because last week is still weighing on my mind. Yesterday, we went to Robben Island (did you know robben means seal in Dutch?) and I thought I’d have a lot to blog about that but that’s not the case. Don’t get me wrong, it was very interesting to see Nelson Mandela’s prison cell and to learn about the prison directly from an ex-prisoner. I’m just not much of a history buff and I find the issues that are currently happening in the townships are a little more interesting.

I spent 19 of the last 24 hours in bed feeling sick and numerous times I had images of the hospice patients pop into my head. Jane, our mom away from home, checked on me this morning and brought me medicine, food, and water. She reassured me that she would get me to a doctor if I wasn’t feeling better by tonight. I couldn’t help but think about the people we met last week after Jane provided me with such care. I had been sick for 12 hours and was being cared for immediately but there are people within a few miles of me that aren’t receiving care for much more serious illnesses and diseases.

I was also reminded of the problems facing South Africans when the Tutu Tester (a mobile HIV testing center) was set up near our lodge today. These tests are free and in most of the townships people are also given vouchers worth about 10 rand. It is sad to me that people need to have another incentive besides FREE tests in order to find out if they have HIV or not.  I understand that a lot of people don’t want to know because they fear how much it will cost them or they believe they are completely healthy.

I’m obviously still pondering the things I witnessed last week and trying to figure out how to make it effect my life in the most positive way possible. I know I wasn’t brought to South Africa to dwell on the sad things that occur here but I’m having a hard time moving past those sad things. I guess I have a new mission for my summer!

Thanks for blogging,

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