My future home :)
After viewing the castle and eating at El Museo del Jamon myself and 16 other classmates began our journey to Valencia. Our bus was scheduled to leave Madrid at 5:00 and since it was 2:30 we figured we had plenty of time to walk to the bus station. Well, little did we know, two hours later we were in a residential area with no idea about where we were. By the way, we were being led by three men (hint: men truly are HORRIBLE with directions). So, 15 minutes before our bus is scheduled to depart, we decided to get a taxi (which we should have in the first place) and we luckily made it to the bus about 4 minutes before 5:00. Probably the most exhilarating and stressful situation I've been in thus far in Spain! At this point, I had been running (literally) around Madrid for just over 2 hours and now all 17 of us American students were stinking up this bus to Valencia! Four hours later, we arrive in Valencia and ask the police outside of the bus station where our hostel is and where we can find taxis (because at this point we have learned our lesson not to wonder around areas we aren't familiar with). We successfully get to our hostel and I was so pleased to find out that the hostel was AMAZING! My bed there was better than the bed I have in Toledo, we had delicious paella and sangoria on the rooftop Saturday night, and the people working there were so incredibly friendly!
The entrance of our hostel...
My time in Valencia was basically spent on the beach since I am kind of obsessed with the sun. I for some reason didn't realize that the beach in Valencia would be a nude beach so to my surprise I saw lots of tatas Saturday! I think this was when it really truly hit me that I'm not in America anymore because I spend my days with Americans and this was a custom I was just not prepared for!
Playing in the waves in the Mediterranean!!
On Sunday, we went to the cathedral in Valencia and it was absolutely breath taking. I also climbed the tower of the cathedral and was able to see a beautiful view of Valencia!
The cathedral!
View of the plaza from the tower!
The alter at the cathedral.
After this relaxing weekend, there obviously has to be a little more drama, right? Right. We got to the bus station 2 hours early on Sunday to make sure we'd get on our bus in time, which we did, but once we got to Madrid we had to catch the Metro to take us to our bus from Madrid to Toledo. Needless to say, we found ourselves running through the Metro and yet again through another bus station because we were cutting it close with our time again. We made it to our bus literally right in time and luckily right before the seats had filled up. This weekend really got me exciting for all of the traveling that I plan on doing during my stay in Europe but I really hope that there are no more "Amazing Race" stories because I don't know when my luck will run short! So many adventures to be had in such short time!
I think this just about explains our bus expeiences!
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